1st miscarriage- pretty long post

I had an ultrasound at 9 weeks and came back showing just an empty sac. I knew then it was over but after talking to my doctor she wanted to make sure I wasn't measuring earlier than I thought, which I knew wasn't possible. I had to get two blood tests two days apart testing my HCG to see if my levels went up. I got the test results and they had dropped but she said she didn't think they dropped enough so she wanted me to get another. She scheduled me for another blood test on Monday, December 19 and I was supposed to go to her office on the Tuesday before work. I knew the results wouldn't be in so I called her Tuesday afternoon and she wasn't even at the office. I asked the reception to get her to call me. I heard nothing. Called again Wednesday. Still nothing. Thursday's (December 22) I went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was blood. In my mind, I thought I had come to terms with it and tried to keep telling myself there was never actually a baby so I would be able to get over it. As soon as I saw the blood everything changed.. I wasn't really cramping or bleeding heavily so I thought it would be over quickly. I left work because I was emotional and then the next day we had to go to my boyfriends hometown for Christmas. I was still bleeding but it still wasn't heavy and I was in a relatively good mood. I thought I could just let this happen and enjoy my Christmas. That night (23rd) I started to feel a bit more pain while we were with all of our friends. I told my boyfriend I was in pain. An hour later he left with his friends to go to the bar. I was pretty hurt but got over it. Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> we spent at his parents house and the day was so good. We made food and had a few drinks and just hung out with family. Around 11pm I started cramping really bad. I took some pain killers but it didn't help. I had to go into the bedroom and cry. I was bawling and couldn't breathe because it was so overwhelming, the pain and the emotion and I just hurt. My boyfriend eventually came and checked on me and came to sleep with me and helped me calm down. Christmas morning was fine but again, and then we left the parents house around 10. On the way there my boyfriend told me he wanted to stay for a few extra days while I go back home because I had to work. I was a bit upset because of what we were going through but also understood why he wanted to stay. Again around 11pm my cramps started again and I had to go to the bedroom again and just cry and cramp and it hurt so bad I was throwing up. I was so scared and in pain and I couldn't stop crying. I kept trying to tell myself the pain would go away but I was so uncomfortable and in pain it didn't matter. I asked my boyfriend to bring me water and he came down and saw me sobbing on the bed. Again he stayed with me and tried to calm me down. Yesterday morning I asked if he was still staying because I didn't want to go through that another night by myself and he said he was still staying. I am so upset and feel so hurt. In my mind I can't understand why he couldn't just come home with me and help me. I completely understand sitting at home when he doesn't work sucks and he would rather hang out with his friends and family that he hardly sees but I would think this would be more important to him. I don't feel like I'm his first choice and it's making this so much harder. I am still bleeding and in pain and now I'm alone. I am just so sad and upset and not sure how to cope with all of this. I guess I needed to vent, so I apologize for the long post, but any thoughts and advice are always appreciated.