anything special?

So I have two days left of being pregnant. 
And I am very very very happy it's over. I've had a rough time from the start. I've been in non stop pain for 20 weeks, I can't move or walk. 
But now that it's the end I feel like maybe I should do something. To make sure I "enjoyed it" 
Idk how to exactly explain what I mean lol 
Like you know how we all eventually end up missing pregnancy? For some crazy reason even though we couldn't wait for it to be over, we look back and we miss this time. 
And I wanna know maybe if there is something special I can do these last few days to maybe memorialize it. Or something. Lol idk. Something fun, something silly, something to look back on. Sigh. 
I am ready to be me again. I'm ready to start working on my body and lose the weight. I'm ready to walk normally and feel confident and like a human. 
But I also know I'm going to a little bit miss my beautiful belly. 
It has been a long year, but again it feels like I snapped and it's over. I will be ringing in the new year with my rainbow. I can't believe this year is over. Ugh I'm up late and can't keep on the same mind track. I'm getting antsy. And emotional and excited and scared.