Has anyone had a threatened mc early in pregnancy and was ok?

Cheyenne • Cheyenne Rose✨
What was the color of the bleeding when it first started to when it ended? how long did the bleeding last? They said it's to early for an ultrasound and that I'm 3 weeks but with this bleeding that started out as brown spotting to pink to reddish brown to red to light medium light, they are saying it's a threatened mc with a positive test of course.... so I'm over here thinking am I having a mc or not? No clots and it's very light. No cramping at all
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I had bright red bleeding at about 4 weeks and was told it was a threatened miscarriage. It started off very light brown spotting a couple days before. The bright red bleeding was only when I wiped and only lasted on and off for about two days. It was a two-three week waiting period with multiple ultrasounds. At my "confirmation" appt at around 6 weeks they found a small subchronic hematoma, which is basically a blood clot. But there was a baby and a heartbeat in the 130s. Two weeks later went in to have that looked at again and it was gone and her heartbeat was in the 180s. It had resolved itself. I spotted on and off light brown until about 10 weeks. I am now over 29 weeks with a little girl. It's difficult the not knowing but it can go either way and all you can do is rest and pray. 


Jessica • Dec 28, 2016
almost exact same situation for me. I'm expecting my baby girl any day. good luck to you! 💟💟


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I had a subchorionic haematoma at 5 weeks which was very heavy bleeding and pain and had to wait a week to find out if the baby hung on or was lost, I was heartbroken.. I'm now 17 weeks and it's happened twice but bub is fine. If you're pregnant and bleeding go to the ED. They can look after you and help with your stress levelsBest of luck to you and bub <3


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I'm sorry your going through a stressful time. Yes it's a waiting game. But your symptoms are how my mc started. Brown discharge for a week before it changed to pinker and then the cramps started and the bleeding got heavy. But I've heard plenty of time it doesn't lead to anything with other people. I wish you all the best. 


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It's hard to say if it's a miscarriage or not because you will need an ultrasound. Usually, a threatened miscarriage only means that the bleeding could either be absorbed or turn into a blood clot and pass (it will come out) or it will turn into a miscarriage. 


Sierra • Dec 28, 2016
It doesn't sound like you're having a miscarriage. It's pretty much a waiting game. I had it and my bleeding stopped hours later


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They say threatened because they can't confirm it unless they do an ultrasound and a follow up. I hope everything is okay but prepare yourself for the worst. Cramping doesn't always take place at first. 


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I had spotting and mild cramping in the first trimester 6-8 weeks and everyone on here says, "it's normal don't worry". Well...... it wasn't normal for me and I miscarried twice. Both times I had very mild cramping and spotting that ranged from brown to light pink to red. When it's this early, it's really a waiting game. Good luck!! Hopefully everything turns out fine for you. And remember, just bc it is normal for some women, doesn't mean it will be normal for you. Every woman and baby and body is different.