medical miscarriage today

Today I started the medical miscarriage process. I was incredibly nervous and scared. I can’t express how nervous and scared I was. I was nervous about passing the baby, seeing it, the bleeding, and how bad this could have gone like ending up in the ER, the side effect from the medication, or the cramping. I took a pain pill and started the medicine at 9:45 am. I took 2 of the 4 my doctor gave me. I had myself so worked up I got dizzy and light headed. About a half hour later I was hot, I was cold, and I had cotton mouth. I thought to myself ‘Oh great, this is going to be rough’. At 11 am my doctor called me back and told me to take the other two pills now and wished me good luck. At 1 pm, I could feel light cramping and diarrhea from the medication catching up with me. I am thankful it wasn’t bad. At that moment, I noticed that I was just then starting to bleed. I felt a wave of relieve pass over me. At 2:45 pm the cramping got worse and I could feel I was starting to pass stuff. At 4 pm, I started to get antsy from sitting around all day today. I got up walked around the house, started some laundry, and cleaned the kitchen a little bit. I felt things passing and it felt good to be up. 4:30 pm, I got up again and walked around a little bit more. Then I noticed that I passed more. I went to check and potty and noticed then I passed a pretty big clot that was gray and it was everything. After that, things started to get easier and lighter. I think the worst part of the whole thing today was the pain medication and how dizzy it made me. Now I hope that my follow-up ultrasound goes well and everything came out.