PCOS pregnancy risks?


I'm 4 weeks and 1 day today... I did it! I got pregnant!

But what now?

I was diagnosed with PCOS while my TTC journey was taking a lot longer than expected. While I am not overweight and do not have hirsutism, I have about 20 cysts/immature follicles on each ovary and my cycles were getting longer and longer. I conceived this baby on Clomid.

And now here I am! Terrified. I can't even be happy yet because I've had a chemical pregnancy and definitely don't feel like I'm in the clear anytime soon. I also don't know if the PCOS diagnosis adds some special complications to pregnancy. Do I need to be more vigilant about what I eat? Are there other supplements I should take? I feel like my RE is useless right now, as I've been given no instructions beside "the book 'what to expect when you're expecting' is pretty good."

Any thoughts or ideas? I'd love to have a healthy baby come September!