Worried and they're not listening...

For almost a week now I've had cramping,  bad stomach pains (like I'm being punched in the lower abdomen), nausea, diarrhea and some small vomiting. I haven't been able to eat a meal since Saturday but still gained a random 5 pounds in 1 week? Mind you, before this week I gained only 16 pounds in almost 37 weeks and I'm TINY, always have been and I just don't gain weight. So this was shocking to me. Not only this, but my blood pressure spiked from my usual 115/65 to 153/95! I do happen to know that's quite high. I just generally feel like shit. Doesn't this all sound like preeclampsia, or even just at least wrong in some sort of way? I just need to figure this out.
And before anyone throws a fit, I've already talked to my nurses, went to the hospital and got sent home. I just think each person is seeing each part and not putting the whole thing together. So I have now sent a whole explanation to my doctors office through their messaging system (it's late here) and am waiting for a reply.
I just need some other moms comments! ☹️️