

I have 2 (step) sisters. One first got her period at 12, the other at 9, and their mom (my step mom) got hers at 11. Myom didn't get hers until 16. When I turned 13, my step mom INSTIGATED something was wrong with me because I still hadn't gotten my period. This woman went crazy trying to figure out what was "wrong" with me. She had sent me to many different doctors to give me pelvic exams, pap smears, ultrasounds, she even went as far as to have me checked to even see if I HAD a uterus!!! All of those doctors told us that the average age to get a period is between 11 and 15. She cussed them all out saying they didn't know what they were talking about and that it should be between 9 and 12 (conveniently the ages her kids were when they got theirs) and there was something WRONG with me.

...I got my period two months before I turned 14.

Three months later, I didn't have my second period and she started freaking out again and started back again with the doctors and insisting something was still wrong with me, just to have them tell her (again) that this was normal. Eventually, she forced me to go on birth control (at 14) to MAKE me have a period. The doctor told me not to take them until my next period and to just lie to her about getting my period. Even gave me directions on how to make fake blood.

This bitch made me feel like something was wrong with me for a year and a half because I didn't fit HER standards for periods.

P.S. this bitch HATED me. Once, she got mad because I called her out on being a hypocrite (her daughter's told my dad "you're not my dad" after raising them from 4 and 7 and how it hurt him, when she flat out told me that she didn't love me since I'm not hers) and she went on with "oh, I do love you!" Then that enening, while I was sleeping in the living room, she wanted to go out to dinner (little sister's graduation). My sister went to wake me up and step bitch asked "does SHE have to come? Just leave her here". I woke up to my sister with keys in her hand saying "I'll go get her." My dad stood up for me when she asked that, she got pissed off, stormed out of the house, sister went to pick her up then went to eat. Me and my dad stayed at home and ordered pizza. Now, they're divorced (became official less than a year after that incident). Best thing ever.