anyone still not able to have sex?

is anyone else out there still struggling to have successful sex? it still hurts terribly for me. we use lots of lube and go really slow and i try to start out relaxed but it feels like once he gets past an inch or so in it just becomes unbearable and we have to stop. it has me so stressed because i know my husband misses it, not just cuz sex is great but he misses the connection and intimacy too. my ob said i was totally healed at my 6 week appt and that was five weeks ago but it still feels so tender and raw. plus i get this weird ache/bruise like feeling down the center of my groin sometimes from the lightest touches like when i wipe after peeing. i dunno, this is all just so frustrating. i just want to feel normal again in at least one way. i'm hoping i'm not alone 😔