First prenatal visit? help...

So I've never been to a first prenatal visit because my last pregnancy ended in mc before I could get to a doctor. This time around I know I'm rh negative and had the shot 6 months ago but idk if that will help this pregnancy. Can't see a doctor until I'm ten weeks because that was the first available appointment and I'd have to get a whole new referral that would take the same amount of time as waiting for my appointment to switch doctors. (I have tricare prime for those military members that understand this ridiculous process). I know we won't get an ultrasound at our first appointment which sucks because I won't know if it's alive for another month after that. But what else should I expect? I also understand every office is different but there are similar things done in all offices. I'm meeting with the nurse practitioner for the first appointment then I'll pick a doctor. Comment please. Any negative comments can find elsewhere to be.