I am two seconds away from calling his mother all types of bitches

My now ex fiancé and I have been going through things since our daughter was born back in August. He told his family that I was keeping him away from his daughter which wasn't true! We live 600 miles away from each other. So apparently his mother feels some kind of way and while we are up here visiting she acting funny! The first day we got here my cousin asked her if she wanted to hold my baby and she said "No I don't want to get too attached" wtf type of shit is that? She eventually warmed up and held Her and was okay for a few days! Now I left her house on Wednesday and just came back today and she didn't even pay her granddaughter any mind! Everyone else said something and was holding her except for her. I don't have time for this old lady and her bullshit! I haven't done a damn thing to her and I went out of my way to bring my baby up here to meet them! None of his family traveled to see our baby or got her anything. His mother had a problem with me breastfeeding like she know anything about it! She giving my 4 month old chicken bones and shit. I am about to leave and they won't se my baby for a while. If they can't travel 600 miles oh damn well! I'm not going out of my way anymore for them to disregard how I take care of my baby