miscarriage at 7 weeks follow up

So I posted earlier about having a miscarriage at home when I went to the restroom. The cramps and pain were so unbearable that I absolutely had to go back to the ER. 
I just got home about 30 minutes ago. 
They did another vaginal ultrasound which was extremely painful being that I was already hurting and cramping and dealing with the thought of losing my baby. They found that the sac had passed (came out at home) but I still have a lot of blood clots that have to come out. I was prescribed Methergine. I've read that they make cramps 100x more painful so they gave me Lortab as a pain reliever. 
They told me to expect to bleed for about a week or two and to take it easy and relax. 
Has anyone taken Methergine before? 
Thank you.