Another massive bloody nose today

Had my 2nd massive bloody nose today in less than a month. I think people think I am exaggerating when I say it was a MASSIVE bloody nose.
After about 20 minutes of it pouring out my nostril like a faucet, I drove myself to insta-care. Sat in the waiting room for about 4 whole minutes before the blood gushed through the tissues and all over myself and into the garbage. 
After that they got me back immediately where the doc squeezed my nose so hard to get it to stop. While he was squeezing he had the nurse take my blood pressure since I'm 12 weeks pregnant. 134/92. 
Thankfully he got the bleeding to stop almost an hour after it began bleeding. The doctor and nurse were so sweet and cleaned my face and neck up.
He had me call my doc, who of course is gone for the weekend. So I'll have to call on Monday. The insta-care doc thinks that between the high blood pressure and me taking baby aspirin it made me have the bloody nose. He suggested my doc re-evaluate my meds. 
Sooooo they made me get a ride home since I was so shaky and he said I lost a bunch of blood since I'm so little. He also said I can't lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk, and that I might have a bruised nose because he was squeezing so hard to stop the bleeding.
It's been a rough day 😣 Bloody noses are so scary when they pour out like that, it was horrible. I really hope my doctor can get these figured out 😞