Anyone else question everything???

Kylee • 30 • Australian • Business owner • Miscarriage in August 2016 (14 weeks) • Rainbow baby due October 2017 🌈👶🏼
Ever get to the point where you start questioning yourself wondering what your doing wrong ??? 
Testing for ovulation, temping, charting, checking cm, cervix position, baby dancing everyday, baby dancing every other day, on bottom, on top, from behind, legs up, legs down, sperm safe lubricant, no lubricant, prenatal vitamins, healthy diet, regularly exercise, no alcohol but still every month nothing.... 
Then you start questioning your self and your partner... 
Is it me, is it him, am I to old, is he to old, am I broken or his he broken, maybe I'm not releasing eggs, maybe he has a low sperm count, maybe we just can't breed together and still every month nothing.... 
Everyone around you seems to fall pregnant so easy, they are trying, they aren't trying, they had a one night stand, they used protection, she was on birth control and still they got pregnant.... 
All my life I was told, be safe and use protection cos it only takes one time to fall pregnant, falling pregnant is easy.... but I'm here to tell u it's not... it's hard BLOODY HARD !!!
Haha rant over ✌🏼