How do you think this would be perceived?

Mo • Married 9/24/16. Mommy 7/22/17 ❤️
My husband and I are having a baby and we are super excited! That being said we are also minimalists. Right now we're working on transitioning to a tiny, solar powered home. We've downsized our belongings and clothing and our personal items and decor. We would also like to raise our baby minimalistically. We don't want our house cluttered with annoying and loud baby toys (some are a real pain in the ass/space taker) we will be doing a simplistic Montessori nursery and spending as much time as possible with baby. We want them to gain their knowledge and enjoyment from timeless, simple toys and from spending quality time with my husband and I. 
We have found a nice way to say this to family and friends but we know people do not listen and just LOVE to buy annoying baby toys but my husband and I live in a small home already (750 sq feet) and will be asking people not to buy our child toys and if they do and the toy serves no real purpose or is loud and large we WILL return it or donate it. I know a lot of people would take offense to that but I feel like it would be rude to give someone's child something that they have stated they do not want in their home. We would rather our child not become accustomed to gifts (birthday gifts and Christmas gifts get to be a little too much in my opinion) and we would prefer that if you want to gift our child something then you spend quality time with them. That is how I was raised- my aunts would take me out for my birthday one at a time and we would get lunch or breakfast and hangout the whole day and I loved it more than opening some gift. 
Do you think our choices would be perceived as a good choice? 

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