bleeding again 😩

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼
So for anyone who follows my posts they will know I have been bleeding after/during intercourse for a while now. I have been to the doctors and had a cervical examination and all the tests going. Nothing conclusive came back and the examination seemed to be fine. But it's getting worse and worse. I'm going to phone tomorrow and when I go in demand having an internal ultrasound or whatever I need to try and sort this out. It's just getting so bad it's clotting and everything. My question to you lovely ladies is, is it possible to bleed from an orgasm? It seems to mainly be happening after sex or if I'm orgasming. All I want is answers and I know the doctors is the best place. It's just getting me so down. My SO is amazing about it but it's horrible. :( thanks for any advice or help