Husband afraid to have sex

I'm 11w3d now. We have only had sex about 3 times since we found out. The last time was the 23 and afterwards I started bleeding. With this being our first pregnancy I was a lil nervous cuz it was a lot of blood. So we went to the hospital and everything was ok. But now my husband is afraid to have sex with me because of it. I told him it won't happen every time cuz it didn't happen before. And even the Dr told him that sex wouldn't hurt the baby, but he's still not budging. He says he don't want to go to the hospital after everytime. N I told him now that I kno it's normal to have some bleeding cuz it's tender that we won't have to go again. Any ideas on how I can make him feel a lil better about it? I can't wait 7 months to have sex lol.