Pregnant, engaged, & still alone. WTF.

I feel like I'm in my relationship alone. My fiance and i have been together for a year and a couple of months. I'm almost 18 weeks pregnant. And he proposed last month. I've thought super hard about giving him is ring back, but then i feel like shit about it. I also thought about saying no when he proposed, but he did it when he got our pictures done together & i would of felt even worse. Don't get me wrong i love him to death. But i can't deal with the lack of emotion he has in this relationship. In the beginning he use to always text me every morning, tell me he loves me, I'm beautiful, surprise me with flowers.. And now... There's nothing. I feel like i have to fight to be wanted. I text him every day telling him to have a good day a work and I'm ignored. TMI but we use to have sex a few tiems a week too and now.. Maybe once a month if I'm lucky. Sex isn't a big deal, but itd be nice to not have to fuckin feel like I'm begging for it. I fele completely unwanted and unattracted. He knows exactly how i feel too. And he doesn't say anything about it. He won't try to change anything or anything. We got into a fight the weekend i found out i was prefnant because i went to my friend amber's bonfire. Which is an hour from where i live. I drank maybe 2 beers and hardly had signal. He knew i was going to just end up staying there. Hell i begged him to go with me.. He told me no. He wont do anything with me. EVER. All he wants to do is sit at home and watch movies or tv.. I work all the time and take care of my 2 kids i already have. If i don't have to be at home when I'm off work, then i won't be. I love being outdoors. Anywho, that morning around 7 am i woke up with my phone blown up. He told me he was done with me and he was moving out of my house etc. I came home. He was asleep in my bed. I got home around 8:30 am. I was pissed. Like how the fuck are you going to flip out on me for no reason? I threw the pregnancy tests at him and told him i hope he's happy with his decision and that he needed to pack his shit and move out by friday... Low and behold he sucked up to me all week.. Telling me that if i was pregnant we needed to work it out for the baby and he'd try his best to be better to me and be there like he should.. Yeah. That alsted that week. I just feel like a damn convenience anymore.. I just don't know how much longer i can do it. I don't have to be with someone because of a child. When is it too much to handle? When's the right time to call it quits? I don't feel liek this is hormones because it's been going on before i ended up pregnant. (somehow we got pregnant the ome time we had sex out of the month. Imagine my luck.) I'm hoping he has a reality check when our baby comes. But i seriously just need some advice. And to vent. I love him. I do. But fuck. I've never felt like i was never good enough.