Anyone TTC baby #2?

Hello. I've been TTC baby #2 for five months now. We fell pregnant so quickly the first time around, I took it for granted that it'd happen easily this time too. 
I saw my GP after an early miscarriage (chemical pregnancy?) in month #1. I told him I was concerned, as my periods have changed so much since my daughter was born (went from 5-6 heavy days of bleeding to maybe 4 days of spotting/light bleeding). My GP said it was nothing to worry about, but I can't stop thinking about it as every month passes and I don't get pregnant. I imagine my uterus as this sparse wasteland, unfit for an egg to implant in!
I'm interested to know others' experiences with TTC baby #2. I feel like my whole mothers' group is pregnant at the moment and I'm devastated it's proven so difficult for me. 
I realise other women have it so much worse - and I know I'm so lucky to have my daughter. But unfortunately knowing I was so lucky to have her doesn't make it any easier when the baby I thought I'd be pregnant with by now isn't in my belly.