When do I start to take BBT?

First time using bbt I'm just wondering when do you start tracking your temp? And what should body temp be before and after ovulation? I use opks aswell. 
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I started the day my period started. Usually 97.7 or lower pre-ovulation and over 97.7 after your ovulate. 


Charley • Jan 2, 2017
Okay thankyou!


Tavia 😗 • Jan 2, 2017
Thanks. I didn't know what temps to look for


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I would start first day of period (you could start now if you want just might not make much sense until you've done a whole cycle but might just get you used to doing it!) you need to try and take it same time each day as soon as you wake up, before you even lift your head off the pillow! Good luck!


Joanne • Jan 2, 2017
Start as soon as you get it, you might recognise a pattern when you get through your cycle, it helps to show when you ovulated (better to use OPKS to prepare for ovulation and know when to BD, but BBT helps confirm ovulation! Good luck!


Charley • Jan 2, 2017
I order a thermometer won't be here till mid week I would've finished period by then haha


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Actually on CD 1 (start of your period)... I started tracking mine and started tracking during my cycle... Opps


Charley • Jan 2, 2017
Thanks for replying! I ordered a thermometer won't arrive till mid week I would've finished af by then haha😂


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I started after my period ended, but I only tracked mine for a couple weeks (from period to BFP) and it happened to be the month I conceived. But I think they say to track it a full cycle so you know when you peak, idk if it matters when you start..


Charley • Jan 2, 2017
Thanks for replying I think I'll do that🙂