I've decided to stop masturbating.

I don't feel dirty or guilty for doing it, I know it's normal, but I'm 15. I literally masturbate just to do it nowadays. It started when I was 12,and I only did it like twice a month at most until around the end of my 7th grade year and it became more frequent, but still not too often. I can't remember ever doing it except very few times my 8th grade year when I was 13. My 9th grade year though, I met my current boyfriend and everything changed. He didn't do anything, and we didn't even talk about sex until about 7 months into the relationship. But I always fantasized about him touching me, and so I was always masturbating. When we did start to talk about sex, oh my goodness, it became a everyday ordeal, we would basically sext and obviously that didn't help my case. I lost my virginity to him four months ago, and I feel like I'm as worse as I've ever been. We've only had sex once. Now that I'm 15, I legitimately do it just to do it, i don't care if I orgasm (which I never actually have unless it was my bf) I just want the 30 seconds of pleasure. I feel like I'm addicted and I don't want to be like that, my boyfriend likes sex and yo talk about it, but not all the time. Sex isn't the only thing on his mind like it is with mine. I get that I'm a teenager, but I can't go an entire day with out putting my hand in my pants.  My goal here is to limit myself to maybe once a week or less, I'm trying to slowly stop because I don't feel that it's healthy for someone my age to have that constant need for a mediocre 10 second pleasure.