January 14th baby is here Jan 2nd. πŸ˜πŸ’‹

Well, I was pretty fed with pregnancy last night. I walked around and went shopping for her last necessities yesterday such as her car seat, bottles, bath, and extra. By the time I got home my pains were past the point they were when I had woken up (limping SLOWLY Bc of pressure sciatic pains) so I ended up putting my two and a year old baby girl to sleep and started stimulating my nipples and timing the contractions after each soothe. The contractions grew stronger to the point where they started coming on strong. So I packed up the rest of me and baby girls bags and came into the hospital. We made it there around 9:30. Took us 30 minutes to get there and in that span I had about three PAINFUL up the butt contractions, so I knew I set it off by then. I got to the on assessment and I was still 4cm dilated from my last 37 week appointment. They monitored me and decided about an hour and a half I say in that they wanted me to stay two more hours and walk around labor and delivery. I walked for about 45 minutes and went to take a break, i was still contracting pretty hard so Iaid down and doses off. I woke up to the nurse wanting to check my cervics so she checked me and I dilated a bit more. So they kept me and moved me to a delivery room about 2 going on 3am. I was in and out of contractions so I went ahead and got an iv started on my pain meds. I then slept until it wore off about halfway through then I got my epidural about 7cm dilated. I slept for a bit longer and woke up to another check, this time I was about 9cm with cervics still in the way. So they called my dr and she came in to break my water just to clear the last cm and cervics I had left in the way. My bag was also bulging out of my cervics so we had a lot going on Down south. She broke my water and I'll be DAMNED xoes little booty decided to flip out and stop breathing, her heart rate dropped and they had to hike me up ASAP to push through the last cm and get her out. I started pushing but I couldn't feel as good, so i grabbed my spaghetti legs and hiked these bad boys up and started pushing like I hadn't taken a crap in years. I was NOT going for a C-section after all I had been through. No offense to my ladies who have had one but it's just so scary to me. Y'all are some bad asses btw!! I pushed for about 10 mins top and Xoe arrived today at 9:47am. Fed on my right Boobie for about an hour. She's just like her big sister, (Myself: African American, Caucasian, Indian, Puerto Rican) (daddy: Korean, Mexican) . You can do this ladies, take each contraction through your upper body and ignore the lower. Just concentrate on breathing and numb and let everything else relax through your contractions. 😍😘