Birthday dinner/weekend

So my bf mentioned wanting to take me to dinner for my bday, I was excited he wanted to take me out.  Then he invites his mom and brother.  Totally okay, I love them.  Then he starts inviting HIS friends.  Not "our" friends, they've given him some less than great advice when we've been arguing and I don't consider them good friends.  My only friend that could come is 7 weeks pregnant and is sick as a dog.  I've gone from wanting to go to dinner to just wanting to ask him if I can go relax and get a nice pedicure and maybe my hair fixed up by myself so I'm feeling good come "Labor Day."  I don't want to sound selfish/ungrateful for not wanting to go out with him, but I think it's pretty selfish to not even ask me who I want at MY bday dinner🙄