Anyone with multiple young children when pregnant

I am having my second little boy. I am due January 20th. I was just wondering if anyone had experienced their older child acting up close before they went into labor?
I have a 3 year old. The past couple days he has been very defiant. He usually is really good and listens to me, I mean he has the typical 3 year old tantrums but nothing like he has been normally. He is also usually very good going to bed. We read books, he brushes his teeth, he says goodnight and that's that. Well tonight I had to get his dad to just stand in the room with me for him to listen and get dressed for bed. If his dad stepped out of the room he was back to running around not listening to me and laughing. And I tried everything to get him to listen. It's hard when you're 9 months pregnant to get up and down from the floor to chase a 3 year old. But anyway. Has anyone experienced this? Did your other toddler act up right before labor? And if so how long before? I just don't know why he is acting like this. I'm lost.