Feeling stupid 😣

I'm on the pill but my boyfriend and I always use condoms as well as a precaution and safety. However, we went away for New Years and we were drunk and we had sex without a condom and then liked it too much so did it multiple more times over the last couple of days and we were completely sober. I'm not necessarily worried about getting pregnant cause it's a very small chance given I'm on bc (although it is on my mind because I'm only 17 and pray that I'm not the small chance that it fails for) but just the fact that we chose to do so knowing the consequences and risks scares me. I wonder how I could have been so stupid. We have decided absolutely no more but I wonder how I could have dismissed what I believe important in such a second. 
Sorry I really really just needed to rant to some girls out there who may understand 😣💕