Best stress & tension busters

Hi everyone! Sorry this is kind of long. 
I'm trying to find good ideas for stress relief while TTC. The holidays and work have been stressful for me plus a few things popping up like hubby's $600 car repair now our dryer is messed up. We have been thru so much worse, so I know it could be way worse! We are healthy and everyone in our family is at the moment, so I am very thankful for our blessings and truly grateful in that respect. I'm still an anxious person and I have generalized anxiety disorder. 
Literally, I think of incredibly extreme circumstances and crazy things quite often, sometimes it's fine for months but other times it gets bad. I try to not let it rule my life. I think it's been worse lately bc I have been having a lot of nightmares also, but I wake up and tell myself it's not real kinda like I do when I'm thinking about crazy things that will probably never even happen. 😒😑 
I've been trying to adapt the mantra that if I cannot control it then I shouldn't worry about it. I feel like this is fairly common for women in general and for those of us in their 20s and  30s, since basically every single friend of mine also has it. I just get stressed and anxious about things easily. I have been like this since I was a little kid.
I'm looking for some good ideas for stress relief! Some ideas and things I already do are:
Tensing up your arms and shoulders and releasing
Deep Breathing techniques
Baths with nice smelling bath bombs
Watching funny videos online
Zumba or just dance on wii fit
Play with my dog
Coloring or painting
Saying prayers to specific patron saints or saying the serenity prayer
Taking a walk outside 
Clean/organize while listening to music
Watch some tv especially nature or ocean stuff relaxes me usually. 
Try to meditate but anyone w/ anxiety will know it's hard to clear your mind
Yoga (same comments as above lol) I do find classes more relaxing tho and also videos rather than doing it alone without watching a video.
I tried this meditation app for a few days but I didn't stick to it.
I've heard about some journal ideas like bullet or gratitude journals but not really sure what that means. Has anyone try them?
What are some things you guys do? TIA for helpful input!
Also, TMI but period is now so can't do it to relieve stress.