Emotionally unavailable boyfriend

Hi everyone!
For the past 9 months I have been in a relationship with a guy who I love and adore but lately it's been apparent to me that he is just so emotionally unavailable. At first I didn't think too much of it, i just thought he had a super chilled personality. Slowly it's now starting to bother
Me and is weighing heavily on my mind. 
We don't have very deep conversations and he doesn't seem to feel empathy, or feel remorse. If for example we have a major fight, I'll be struck with sadness whilst he feels nothing. He's openly told me he will apologise just to get the issue resolved and that he isn't actually remorseful at all because he feels nothing. He doesn't show affection, doesn't do anything special for me and doesn't put in a lot of effort. A lot of people that know him just say that's how he is and it means no harm but I wanted to see if anyone out there has had a similar experience? If so did you push through and stay with this person? Did you walk away , did you find ways around it? Etc
Appreciate the help in advance xxx