i need ur opinion girls 🙏🏼


hi girls , i wanna open my heart for you about something that really make me sad in my life , I'm 23 years old , everyone says that im beautiful and attractive but i don't see my self that way i always feel that something is missing in me which is my breast size that looks like a 12 years old girl breast ! it always makes me feel less feminine 💔  , i cant  accept it while I'm surrounded with all this perfection polices in the media , the super models , actress with that perfect boobs and body with , it feels really like we are going to be judge according to them ! i hate my breast and i cant change it or accept it and i feel sorry for my self coz i became a person with a weak self confidence , and i'm always worry about my fiancée's opinion about it , even though he tells me all the time that he loves me the way i'am , i steel feel insecure 😞