Night sweats (yay -_-) confused.


Hey everyone! Unsure as a specific group to post in... Currently 3:36am and I've just woken up DRENCHED in sweat. This is not a new thing for me, I usually get this during AF on and off, not every AF, but definitely only ever when AF is here. I'm 1-2 dpo so you would think at absolute most I've got a blastocyst floating around but I'd be highly unlikely it's implanted at this point, so trying not to get too excited. The only other thing I can think is that it might be due to ovulating, I've been on BC for the last 11 years and this is second cycle off - does that sound likely? And would that be a good sign that my ovulating is returning to normal?

TIA - I'm confused. And currently very tired.

Off to finish the rest of my nights sleep hopefully uninterrupted, but I doubt it.