BF mom advice

Maylon • Happily Married : Mom to 2 Boys : Cason Kole 12.8.16 💙 Colby Lee 9.20.18 💙
My son is just about a month old now. He was born 3 weeks early (had to be induced) and from the beginning we have had latch issues. Mainly he does not like to open his mouth very far- therefore I always use a nipple shield. My main frustration is that I feel I am not making enough milk for him. When I EBF he wakes up anywhere from every half hour to an hour to nurse again. Sometimes he seems satisfied but probably half the time he seems like he's not and that makes me feel like I'm pretty sure he's not getting enough to be full. My boobs use to feel like they would fill up and be hard but that's pretty rare anymore for me to feel them get that way. We started supplementing with formula a couple weeks ago because he wasn't gaining his birth weight back and he was badly jaundiced. I so badly wanted to EBF and I feel like it's ruining me mentally and emotionally. I've tried pumping and I'm not sure if I don't find my "trigger" but I don't pump much at all- it's sad. I've made lactation cookies with a lot of brewers yeast, flax seed and oatmeal (eat at least three a day) and lactation smoothies that contain those three ingredients also- and I feel like that might slightly help but still not enough. I bought this other pump that I prefer because it's easier on my nipples (my sons latch still isn't the best- even with the shield my nipples hurt) and I'll get anywhere from .25-1.25 ounces from a breast. I'm basically 4 weeks PP though so shouldn't I be getting a lot more?? I drink water like it's going out of style. Last night I took my first fenugreek capsule think 610 mg. I feel like I'll give this a try for a couple days but unless it increases my supply drastically, I think I may have to go to mostly formula... which breaks my heart. At the same time I can't stand feeling like I'm not feeding my child good enough and my lack of sleep is making matters worse. This isn't the experience I hoped it to be which crushes me. Any advice would be appreciated...thank you