Its hard but so worth it


My LG is 6weeks 3 days old. She has been so clingy this last week literally not letting me put her down for 5 minutes. She will fall asleep on me or in her sling and as soon as I try and put her down she wakes up screaming. I have been reassured by my health visitor and my SIL who is a midwife (and mum of 4) that it's completely normal for this age and she will come out of it. Anyway today I have been in tears because I just want to wash as few dishes or put a load of washing on and she hasn't let me do a thing.  I'm laying on the sofa with her cuddled up to me in her sling asleep and she giggled and smiled in her sleep. It made me smile and I realised it doesn't matter about the things that need doing around the house (a big long list) I can do that tomorrow and my fiancé can do some things when he gets home from work. What matters the most is that my baby needs me. She is needing that comfort and reassurance and I'm the one she wants it from. I'm her mum and my number 1 priority in life is to make my child the happiest she can be. It's hard work and I feel completely drained but one look at that smiling face and I know it's all worth it. 

(Here is a pic of my baby when she is happy and smiley 😍😍😍)