
The Range

I've had 5 Dr appointments so far since the beginning of the month. Finally getting some answers! Found out my birth control (even after being off for almost 2 year) STOPPED me from ovulating. I've got to completely track the next 3 cycles after my next appointment in a couple weeks. She's going to start me on meds to help ovulate if I don't react to anything else she's trying. She also found 2 lumps in my left breast and I go in for a sono on Monday, she doesn't think it's cancer because it's free moving but getting scanned just in case. Hope all goes well and we can finally get the BFP we've been wanting! 👏👐👐

Just had to tell someone, even with no responses I had to get this out. I don't have a lot of friends who understand what I'm going through. 😶