Is this normal

My son is 6 weeks and still takes many naps during the day. We are usually up between 8-830 and he will nap from 915 to 11 or 12. He then will eat again and maybe stay awake for a hour and sleep from 2-4 or 5. He eats again and then naps till about 8. He wakes and we do bath and get ready for bed. He also has a bottle within that time. He then hopefully sleeps from 9 or 10-1 and then eats and sleeps from 130 to 5, eats and then sleeps on and off till 8am. Im not complaining about all the sleeping, I just want to make sure that this is still normal at this age. 
Also when he is awake he doesn't seem to enjoy any activity for more than 5 minutes. He also usually hates sitting in the rocking chair with me. When he is awake our attention is directly on him, so it's not like we put him on his play mat and walk away, and we play with him, he just doesn't seem happy though. The only thing he seems to enjoy is being in his bouncer. Just making sure as a FTM that this is all normal. Put my worried mind to ease.