down in the dumps

I'm so done! We've been trying for 4 freaking years and we only got two miscarriages. Everyone around can have sex once and bam their pregnant! It's so frustrating. I have no one to talk to about any of my feelings. On top of it all I've been doing terribly at managing our finances and I'm so stressed out. I just need to except that it will never happen but we want to be parents so bad! I'm so depressed that I don't want to leave our bed or see or talk to my friends. My husband and I fight everyday. I shut him out cause he doesn't get it and he shuts me out cause all I do is grump. I feel like this whole infertility thing has taken over our marriage and is tearing us apart. I'm so consumed with wanting a baby that I don't know how to function. I have a hard time at work cause all everyone talks about is how their wives are pregnant. I just needed to get this off my chest and since I don't know anyone then this seemed like the place to unload my burdens.