Baby won't take bottle?! Help!


Okay ladies I'm on need of advice desperately! I go back to work on the 23rd of this month and have been ebf my almost 9 week old baby boy. He nurses like a champ! But since I've started introducing a bottle every morning (fed to him by his dad while I pump) he has begun refusing it more and more! Today he flat out refused. I last nursed him at 5 am. He woke at 9 searching for the boob. From then until 10 30 my husband tried getting him to take the bottle with zero success. With it going on 6 hours since he had eaten I attempted myself to get him to take the bottle. With the bottle dripping I think between my husband and I we forced an Oz into him. That was with him not latching at all. My hubby is thinking about trying to pick up to a full time position at work but it's a job he's not fond of at all (we work in the same place since there really aren't many jobs that pay well here in the middle of nowhere mn) I think I have high lipase because all the milk I thaw smells like soap. But baby won't even take a bottle I freshly pumped minutes before :( !! Am I better off just giving up, staying home and getting assistance for food if my hubby picks up hours or are there any tricks I can try?? Please any advice at all will be very apreciated I feal like I'm failing my baby once again... we were doing so good once I finally got him to breastfeed after 2 weeks... I just feel like a horrible mother

***picture because he's so darn cute ♡♡