what do you think??!!!

I took these tests about a week ago and thought that last one was positive.  I was SHOW  and headachy and thought for sure I was ovulating even though I had no EWCm, I don't normally have much of it. 
Now, at what I though was 7dpo ( CD21) I took a cheap pregnancy test this am as I have been very crampy and tired and feel like I'm getting sick.  It was BFN
This afternoon I peed and found ONE clump of EWCM. and got this ..
 Like I said I have been cramping the past few days, but no other symptoms of ovulating.  And no more EWCM after the one clump. Of course my husband and I BD  right away anyway.  But what do you guys think??? Could I be ovulating for the second time, did I not ovulate before?