Hi Everyone

Liz 😻
I am 38, I have been pregnant once in my life. It happened 12 years into a 15 year marriage. I miscarried though. I was very fortunate to have been able to adopt my son a few months after that. I was in the delivery room when he was born, so he has been with me since day one. That marriage had its problems, and is over, but I was very fortunate once again to meet my Prince Charming. We've been Marrid for 2.5 years now. He has no children of his own, and is an amazing step-father to my son. It's a pretty amicable relationship all around with my ex-husband, so there has never been any fighting about who's role is what. My ex is just happy to have someone who also loves his son. Anyways, I had made peace with the fact I wasn't going to ever have a baby, and I was okay with it. When I got with my new husband, he had been married for many years and the same story as me got pregnant once but miscarried. He was cool with not ever having a baby too. Though we did go ahead and have some tests done. I had the one where they put the dye through your tubes, they said all was good. My husband had his count done and all was good there too. For most of my adult life I was about 350lbs, I have PCOS as well. I have now had weight loss surgery (4 years ago) and lost 200lbs.
Anyways, I am rambling now, what I really wanted to say is that I really don't think I will get pregnant, but reading all the success stories has had me in tears most of the afternoon. I am just so happy for everyone who gets that line. To those still waiting I have said a prayer for you to see that line. Much love to everyone. Thanks for reading my book haha 💜