should i ask my doctor about cannabis?

EDIT: my question is not whether or not it is safe or your opinion on it, it is simply what should i say to my doctor/how should i bring it up, if at all. 
im 6w2d and the nausea is horrible. i have my first prenatal appointment in a couple of hours. i have my medical marijuana card and it was recently recreationally legalized here. i quit smoking as soon as i found out but im wondering about edibles now that my nausea is kicking in. do you think my doctor would get me in trouble for asking? should i not say anything? im a ftm so im not sure what to do. if they drug test me today at my first appointment it will show up positive for marijuana since i just quit a week or so ago. any HELPFUL advice is appreciated. dont even comment if ur gonna tell me im selfish/dumb for even considering it.  also, i would be using edibles that are LOW in thc and high in cbd, this means neither myself or the baby would be getting high.