Baby Dust To All You Wonderful Ladies!!

I pray for all you ladies TTC! I pray that God open up wombs and give what your hearts desire most.. a beautiful healthy bundle of joy! I have 5 children (4 bio & 1 step) all of them were conceived before my husband and I met. I so want to give him a child, a child not born out of wedlock but in the midst of my wants I felt this urgent need to remember all the ladies who are still hoping and praying for just 1. So I will put my wants and needs aside to pray for you all! Father God in your son Jesus name open up the wombs of your daughters that want a child. You said in your Word that children are a gift from You Lord and I'm praying right now that these ladies will bring blessed anointed precious gifts from you into this world. I pray that You will use them mightily Oh God that all their failed tests will turn into positive testimonies of Your wonderful works. Lord I pray for those who may have thought You have forgotten about them or simply don't care. I pray that You show up and show out on their behalf. Do a mighty move in their life Lord. Bless them with what You have already said is one of the greats gifts from You, a child of their own! In Jesus' name I declare it so. Amen!