I need opinions. Trying not to freak out. My husband and I have been TTC for almost 11 years. We just recently started taking clomid ( without a Dr, yes I know bad...No lectures please 😊) and this would have been the start of the 5th round. Well, I started my period Sunday. It wasn't heavy but a decent flow. Monday, it trickled down to streaking, Tues nothing, today, nothing. My monthly has slowed down from 6 days to about 5, flow has become much lighter, but it has never stopped this early. I was supposed to start clomid this morning, but if there is any chance I could be pregnant I don't want to hurt the baby, so I took a test this morning and there is a faint line. Can clomid give you a faint false positive? I don't feel pregnant at all. Am I crazy? I'm trying to keep my cool, and not jump to any conclusions, but after 11 years of trying, it's hard not to freak out. What do you guys think? Am I just imagining a line?