TMI is this implantation bleeding?

Okay so I haven't had regular cycles since the implant came out and had two miscarriages which also messed them up. Either way this bleeding is a good thing if it's period or pregnancy.  I would be happy as I'm currently on the end of week 5 of a usual 12 week cycle. Which means my cycles are heading in the right direction. 
This month we decided to have a 'month off' trying and just relax etc and have sex as normal and I did have really sore/sensitive nipples on 1st Jan. I don't know how many dpo I am or even if I actually ovulated. Today I had very light pink discharge when I wiped and then nothing all day until I just went to the toilet and there is quite a lot of dark brown blood. I recal having implantation with the previous pregnancies but can't remember if it was this dark. What do you ladies think? Hoping it's our rainbow and the little bean is sticky this time 🌈🌈🌈 xxx