Born 1/6/17

On Friday my blood pressure was not going down....I had already been in the Hospital for a month due to Preeclampsia, so my Doctor gave me medicine to attempt to get my pressure down in order for me to have a vaginal delivery, however that didn't work and ended up having a c-section. My little Princess was born at 33.6 weeks weighing 3.14 and 17 and half inches long. She came out screaming crying and eyes wide open! She is doing great for almost a week old, she will be bottle feed tomorrow and has gained a little weight. I'm praying by the end of January she can come home. The NP said that she is doing really good and most babies her age aren't doing what she is because she said it typically takes 10 days for a premie to gain weight. It was heart breaking for me yesterday to get discharged and leave with out her... any other moms out there who can relate?