Possible seizure?

So I am approximately 4-5 weeks, and have my first prenatal appointment in a week or so. I was sent home from work yesterday evening because I freaked everyone out. For about 30-45 seconds I was conscious but unresponsive. From my end I felt kind of lightheaded and nauseous for a minute, but what I didn't realize I was that I became completely pale, and my arms were locked straight. Now hubby says I've been making strange lip smacking sounds in my sleep. Of course I'm totally paranoid now, and will be calling my OB first thing, but I'm wondering what could be causing this? I did quit smoking cold turkey when I got my BFP.. can that cause what I think may be seizures???
UPDATE: Most likely an issue with low blood sugar. While smoking, my body "forgot" how to regulate itself, so when I just stopped smoking and did not eat any differently (I almost never have breakfast and tend to have my first meal around 2pm) my blood sugar plummeted. I should be back to normal in a few days, and until then I just need to make sure I'm eating (something healthy of course) every few hours. Thanks for all of your comments!!