when did your baby start crawling/ sitting up on their own?

My baby will be 7 months old in a few days and still doesn't know how to crawl or sit up on her own. I try to work with her, but she gets mad. If I try to sit her on the floor to try to sit up, she starts crying and fights her way to stand up. Everyone tells me she should be doing these things by now, so it kind of worries me, she was breech when she was born, the doctors said she could have a hip problem from it. But they did an ultrasound on her hips and said they looked fine, but it still worries me when people are constantly on me telling me she should be doing it already. So when did your baby/babies learn? Is it normal for them to be almost 7 months and still not know how?  She can still get around the house, we got her a walker and she walks all over the place in that thing, but she can't crawl. Has anyone of your babies just skip crawling and start walking? I'm at a loss. Is there any thing I can try that can help her sit up or crawl?