Feel like he doesn't want to come

Amanda • We are a blended family of 7. This will be our first together. Super excited.

I went to my 38 week appointment today. I'm 38 +4 today. Doctor checked me and I'm only 30% effaced and my cervix is still closed. This is my fourth pregnancy with my youngest child is almost 6 now. We have so much going on this month and I feel like the baby doesn't want to come at all. I don't want to be induced. My SO and I are trying methods to get it going. But I don't want to do Castor oil. But part of me says to go ahead. I'm trying to be patient and just keep saying he will come when he is ready.

Any other moms who are not FTMs go for a check up and have something similar and end up going into labor on their own soon???

I am barely getting any contractions now. Had some 2 days ago and then they stopped.