My baby made his entrance this morning

My baby made his entrance this morning! My water broke at about 11:40pm last night. When I came in they checked me and told me I was 2.5 cm dilated. Contractions started about 12:12am and they were spaced pretty far apart. About 2:00am they started me on pitocin which gradually increased every 30 minutes. Not fun since he was sitting directly on my cervix trying to come before he was meant to. At 5cm I asked for the epidural I just couldn't do it, I wish I could but I just couldn't! After they did that they checked me again and realized that I was having early decels still. Basically when he's trying to make his way out way too early. They prefer babies to start that stage at about 7-8 cm, I started at 4cm. They then told me that this baby was not coming vaginally but would be a cesarean. So they started to prep me at about 7am. Got into the operating room at about 8:30am and my beautiful baby boy was born at 9:49 am measuring 5lbs 5oz and 19 inches long! They then told me that baby was heading to the NICU since he was having some problems with his breathing. They later explained to me that he has a tiny hole in his lung that they hope will heal by itself. If it doesn't with 48-72 hours they will go in with a needle to help him breath better. I know he will be strong and be my little fighter! FTM btw! 💙😍