My birth story


On December 28th, my blood pressure was a little elevated at my weekly doctors appointment. I was asked to leave a urine sample. Doctor checked me and I was 1cm and she stripped my membranes as best as she could.

At 5pm on the 28th, I got a call from my doctors office that I had protein in my urine. They wanted me to either go into the office or the pharmacy to check my blood pressures the next day.

December 29th I went into the pharmacy and my blood pressure was above normal. I tested on 2 other machines, multiple times. All a little high. I called the doctors office and the nurse called to say she was going to talk to my doctor to see what she wants to do. I get a call back a short time later to go to the hospital to get hooked up for a NST and blood pressure monitoring. I asked if I should bring my bags and the nurse said no. I brought them anyways.

I got hooked up to the machines and baby was doing great, I was having contractions (nothing super strong) and my blood pressure was still high. My doctor just so happened to be on call at the hospital that day and popped her head into my Bay and said it is go time. They are keeping me and will induce me. I was exactly 38 weeks!  I made the call to my husband to get to the hospital.

We got set up in the suite and pitocin was started at 2:45pm. I could feel the contractions and was able to laugh and talk through them. They kept bumping the pitocin up a bit at a time. I noticed my contractions getting stronger. Still not a big deal. I just had to concentrate a little more. After a few hours of these contractions getting stronger, I was checked and still at a 1. Ugh. My doctor ran home, tucked her kids in bed and headed back to the hospital to check me. At 10pm I was still a 1 so she decided to try the balloon. Omg that hurt so bad. I can't lay on my back without excruciating pain. That's what hurt. They finally get the thing inserted and the cramps that came with it sucked so bad.

At about 11, I said these cramps (which amplified with each contraction) are horrible and I wanted an epidural. My husband knew I really wanted to go without it. The nurse piped up and offered meds through my iv to see if they help. Sure. The first dose helped. Made the cramps go away. I slept between contractions as much as I could. Lol. At about 2am, my body just started hurting so bad. I was clenching my jaw, unable to relax my muscles, and the balloon still hadn't fallen out meaning I was still a damn 1. I was crying. I finally insisted on the epidural. I tried. I really tried to go without.

At 3am, the doc came in and gave me an epidural. Heaven. Apparently he gets a lot of marriage proposals. I can see why. My doctor immediately checked me and the balloon fell out and I was at a 4. I think me not being able to relax kept my cervix closed. So I slept until 7am. Thank goodness. The nurse checked me before he was leaving and I was still a 4. He told the new nurse that the baby had had some minor drops, that's why he checked me incase I was ready to go. While he was updating the new nurse, the baby heartbeat dropped again. They got me on all 4s, got his heart rate back and all was well. As soon as he left, the baby dropped again. Back on all 4s. Nurse was having trouble getting him back. Called in extra nurses and the doctor. I'm on all 4s when the doctor checked me and said baby is ready!!  Im bawling at this point because me and my husband had a bad feeling that something was going to go wrong. Was this it?  Were we losing our baby boy?  They put the monitor in his scalp and were able to see his heartbeat was good. He just dropped fast. Keep in mind I was checked only 30ish minutes before. I went from a 4 to 10 in minutes.

So back I go onto my back. I am told to push and while I was doing that my husband had his head buried in my neck, scared. I'm still crying. But I pushed that little guy out in a few pushes. And our fear turned into joy. I didn't tear or have (what feels like) road rash when I pee!  Lol

Kaden James was born December 30th @ 8:16am. He was 6lbs12oz and 20.67"

This picture is the moment we saw him. Dh was realizing in that moment how much he looks like him 💓