
So I know everyone totally reads the side effects on birth control pills before they start taking them. Yeah right, well my periods have been janky ever since I started having them. Like, one every three months or two in one month.. so mom finally made me an appointment at the gyn. (Yes I'm 21 and I still don't like making appointments 😂) I've been on it for two months exactly, the first month was an emotion roller coaster. Never in my life had I cried that much. I'm talkin anxiety attacks , hyperventilating EVERY. DAY. I just thought it was normal "your body will adjust to them" that's what everybody said. & hey, if my periods were on time - I can wait til I'm normal. 

I got on the pill FOR PERIOD REASONS ONLY. I'm so adamant people know that, I'm a virgin and I'm staying that way until my wedding night. ANYWAYS- 

I was brought by ambulance to the hospital on New Years <a href="">Eve</a> for chest pains. I was in the hospital for a week. Turns out I had MULTIPLE blood clots in my lungs.. Two factors. #1 i had just gotten back from a 7 road trip from Memphis. #2 My body apparently can't take that much estrogen & these blood clots had been forming because of it. 

Now, everyone's different. Everyone's body reacts to things differently. 

I say all this ( and this is my first post ever, and who knows if anyone will even read it) to say that I was told a lot of times that night and since then- that I could stood up to go into a pilot in Nashville on my way home and died right there in the parking lot. That hit me HARD. Talk about never taking anything for granted ever. Im on blood thinner pills&a; a buncha other ones. I went from happy go lucky never gets sick or goes to the doctor to hospitalized. 

I love this app so much. It's so helpful & encouraging. & informative. Y'all are awesome. Go live your life. If you're alive, it's a great day. For you and anyone around you. You are loved. 

( This picture was taken 24 hours before I was on the ambulance. )

UPDATE- Turns out its genetic!! Both my mom and dad have a random gene that complemented with estrogen, makes blood clots so so much more likely. Crazy!