Sex during pregnancy

A few weeks ago when I was 22 weeks pregnant me and my fiancé had sex one evening. We used a fair amount of lube. When I went to the bathroom to clean myself up, I noticed I was bleeding. I called my midwife and was told to go straight to the labour ward. I was examined there and everything was okay with my baby and it turns out the bleed was from a tear on my vaginal wall from having sex.
We were told not to have sex or put anything into my vagina for at least 2-3 weeks so the tear could heal and to next time use a lot more lube.
We both agreed that we didn't want to have sex again until the baby was born to avoid it happening again.
It's been 2 weeks now and me and my fiancé do oral sex but I have another 15 weeks left of my pregnancy and don't know how long I can last just doing oral. We both want to have sex again but we're just too scared I might tear again or something worse might happen.😪👶🏼