Pissy and I shouldn't be.

I'm sick as can be, shitting myself, throwing up, fever, shaking, all that yada yada yada, he knows that.

Well the loaner for our wrecked truck is done tomorrow so he when he got the check today he decided to wait till 4pm to go check out one truck in a city 3 hours away, after his 6 hour nap while I was sick as hell.

It's almost midnight, he didn't even end up getting the truck, I haven't eaten in over 36 hours,

I need my medication that I was supposed to start yesterday but can't drive without throwing up so it's up to him. He's just now leaving the town at 11:30 because he and his dad sit around and BS with each other for hours. If a female doesn't go with them (I kid you not,) it will take them 4 hours to get a gallon of milk from a supermarket 20 minutes away.

I'm just upset because anytime he even has the sniffles I cater to his every whim, no matter how ridiculous (the remote can be on his leg and he'll need it handed to him). Today is the only day hell be home since Tuesday, and not till monday.

I'm exhausted, can't sleep because baby boy thinks everytime I cough he needs to attack my ribs, and just pissy because I want him to take care of me for just once.

I know we need a vehicle desperately, but I wish he would have prioritized his time better so he'd actually be home for a night, and help me.

I'm selfish af because we need a vehicle but with he could take care of me.

He got back at 4 am because he and his dad decided to cruise around walmart for fishing gear....