Am I really asking for too much?? (Vent)


Am I really asking for too much from my husband, (who's on a 4 day weekend being bumb on the couch all day with a hangover from drinking too much lastnight) to do 2 or 3 things around the house while I've been gone at work?? Seriously?! I feed the dogs everyday breakfast and dinner, I do the dishes, I do the laundry, I took out the trash even though that's usually his chore..ect. I came home and he hasn't done JACKSH*T!😒 I told him I wished he had at least done one thing that I asked. He apologized but I dont want an apology anymore, Get The F*** Up And Do Something!! And so feeling bad, he did the dishes and I told him thank you and showed major appreciation it. But then he beat me to asking if I would feed the girls(dogs). I asked him if he'd be willing to do it, and with eyes rolling and throws his head back he says "Yeah I guess." 😬 Come On dude!! You've been home all f***ing Day. About to be 31weeks Saturday, and I can't do this sh** by myself anymore. I'm more tired now then I ever was before. I need help without the childish attitude to go with it.😧😩

I get it! I've spoiled him and I have asked him to do things before and he's been helpful without fuss knowing he doesn't do a whole lot. But today I just couldn't handle the attitude.

Okay, rant over. Moving on.